Difference between Tennis Vs Badminton

Both tennis and badminton are the world’s most popular racquet sports played across the globe.  Tennis and badminton are two different types of sports with unique features. 

If you’ve been in the sport for a while, you might already know this, but there are some things you should know about the two games.

Tennis and badminton are both racket sports that are played outdoors. They are both physically demanding and require quick reflexes. 

Badminton is typically played on a smaller court then tennis, with a much higher net. A Badminton shuttlecock, or birdie, is much lighter than a tennis ball. Because of these factors, badminton rallies tend to be shorter than tennis rallies.

In terms of scoring, badminton games are typically played to 21 points, while tennis games are usually played to four points (or sometimes six). The serving rules are also different in the two sports; in tennis, players alternate serves after every moment, while in badminton, players serve until they lose a point.

Equipment Differences

Tennis and badminton require a racket and a ball, but the similarity ends there. Tennis rackets are larger and heavier than badminton rackets, and the balls are also different. Tennis balls are much larger than badminton balls and have a felt covering instead of being made of feathers or synthetic material.


The court dimensions are also different for tennis and badminton. A tennis court is 78 feet long and 27 feet wide, while a badminton court is 44 feet long and 20 feet wide. The net is also lower in badminton, at just 5 feet tall, compared to the tennis net, which is 3.5 feet tall at the centre and 3 feet tall at the edges.

Badminton is typically played with smaller groups than tennis. While tennis is usually played as singles or doubles, badminton can be played with singles, images, or even four teams.


Scoring Differences


In tennis, players score points by hitting the ball over the net and into the other player’s court. The first player to reach four points wins the game. A tiebreaker is played to determine the winner if the score is tied at three points apiece.


In badminton, players score points by hitting the shuttlecock over the net and into the other player’s court. The first player to reach 21 points wins the game. A tiebreaker is played to determine the winner if the score is tied at 20 points apiece.


Tactical Differences


Tennis and badminton are both racket sports, but they vary widely in tactics and strategy. Tennis is much more physical than badminton, and players use much power to hit the ball. Badminton is a more technical game, and players rely more on accuracy than power.


Badminton also has a shorter playing time than tennis. A typical game of tennis can last for hours, while a game of badminton is over in just 30 minutes.

Badminton Court

In terms of scoring, tennis is a much more complex game than badminton. In tennis, players must win by two points, meaning there can be long rallies and back-and-forth play. In badminton, the first player to reach 21 points wins the game, so it is often over in just a few minutes.


Finally, tennis and badminton also differ in terms of equipment. Tennis rackets are larger and heavier than badminton rackets, and the balls are also different. Tennis balls are much larger than badminton balls and have a felt covering instead of being made of feathers or synthetic material. The court dimensions are also different for tennis and badminton.


A tennis court is 78 feet long and 27 feet wide, while a badminton court is 44 feet long and 20 feet wide. The net is also lower in badminton, at just 5 feet tall, compared to the tennis net, which is 3.5 feet tall at the centre and 3 feet tall at the edges.


Badminton is typically played with smaller groups than tennis. While tennis is usually played as singles or doubles, badminton can be played with singles, images, or even four teams.


Badminton Birdies vs Tennis Balls

Badminton birdies and tennis balls may seem like two completely different objects, but they have much in common. Both are used in racquet sports and can be made of other materials. Here’s a closer look at the similarities and differences between badminton birdies and tennis balls.


Both badminton birdies and tennis balls are designed to be hit with a racquet. Badminton birdies are typically made of feathers, while tennis balls are usually rubber. The materials used to make the balls can affect their bounce, weight, and durability.


Badminton birdies are typically smaller than tennis balls and have a more aerodynamic shape. This makes them easier to hit with a racquet and keep in the air. Tennis balls are giant and have a rounded shape, making them more challenging to shoot with a racquet and support in the air.


Badminton birdies typically have a shorter lifespan than tennis balls. This is because they are made of softer materials and are more likely to be damaged when they hit the ground. Tennis balls are made of more complex materials and can last longer.


Badminton birdies typically cost less than tennis balls. This is because they are not as durable and do not last as long. Tennis balls usually cost more because they are more durable and last longer.


Now that you know more about badminton, birdies and tennis balls, you can decide which is right for you. A badminton birdie may be the best choice if you are looking for a ball that is easy to hit with a racquet and keep in the air. A tennis ball may be the better choice if you are looking for a more durable ball that will last longer.


Tennis Courts vs Badminton Courts

One of the main differences between tennis and badminton courts is their size. A tennis court is much larger than a badminton court, measuring 78 feet by 27 feet. On the other hand, a badminton court measures 44 feet by 17 feet. This size difference means more room to move around in a tennis court, making it easier to hit the ball.

Tennis Court

Another difference between tennis courts and badminton courts is the surface. Tennis courts are usually made of concrete or asphalt, while badminton courts are typically made of wood or synthetic materials. This can affect how the ball bounces and players move around on the court.


Finally, tennis courts have different markings than badminton courts. Tennis courts have a baseline, a service line, and a net in the middle, while badminton courts only have a net in the middle. This means players must be aware of where they are on the court to avoid hitting the ball out of bounds.


Overall, tennis courts and badminton courts are quite different. However, both can be enjoyed by players of all levels. Choosing the proper court for the game you want to play is essential. Tennis courts are better suited for singles or doubles games, while badminton courts are better for family games or practice.


Tennis vs Badminton: Rule Differences

In terms of popularity, tennis and badminton are two of the most popular racket sports in the world. But what separates these two sports? This article will look at the vital rule differences between tennis and badminton.


First, let’s start with a quick overview of the similarities between these two sports. Both tennis and badminton are played with a racket and a ball (or, in the case of badminton, a shuttlecock). The objective of both sports is to hit the ball over the net and into your opponent’s court.


Now, let’s look at some vital rule differences between tennis and badminton.


One of the differences is the size of the court. A tennis court is much larger than a badminton court – a singles tennis court is 78 feet long and 27 feet wide, while a badminton court is 44 feet long and 17 feet wide.


This difference in court size means that there is also a difference in the size of the racket. Tennis rackets are much larger than badminton, with the largest tennis rackets measuring up to 27 inches.


Another key difference is the scoring system. In tennis, players score points every time they win a rally (when their opponent cannot return the ball).


Tennis vs Badminton: Scoring Points

In tennis, points are awarded after every rally. The player who wins the rally scores a point and serves again. In badminton, points can only be achieved by the serving player. If the serving player loses the rally, they do not score a point, and their opponent will serve.


When playing tennis, the game can be pretty fast-paced as points are constantly being scored. However, in badminton, the game can be much slower as only the serving player can score points. This can make badminton seem like a less exciting game to some people.

Badminton is usually played to 21 points, while tennis is played to either 15 or 30 points. This means that a badminton game can last longer than a tennis game.

Both are racquet sport played using racquets to hit a ball across a net.


The significant difference between these two sports is that tennis is played with a ball, while badminton is played with a shuttlecock. A shuttlecock is a cone-shaped object made of feathers and weighted at the bottom. This makes it easier for the shuttlecock to stay in the air than a ball.


Gameplay Differences

Tennis and badminton are two of the most popular racket sports in the world. Though they share some similarities, there are also several key gameplay differences between the two.


For starters, tennis is played with a larger court than badminton. A tennis court is 78 feet long by 27 feet wide, while a badminton court is only 44 feet long by 20 feet wide. This difference in size means that players have more room to move around in tennis and can hit the ball harder and faster.


Another key gameplay difference is the type of rackets used. Tennis rackets are much heavier than badminton and have a smaller sweet spot. This makes it harder to control the ball and allows players to generate more power.


Finally, tennis balls are much larger than badminton shuttlecocks. This means they bounce higher and travel faster, making the game more fast-paced and exciting.


Should Tennis Players Try Badminton?

Tennis and badminton are racket sports that can be played individually or in teams. Both sports involve hitting a ball over a net, but the two have several key differences. Perhaps most importantly, tennis is played with a much larger and heavier ball, while badminton is played with a smaller and lighter shuttlecock. The court size is also different, with tennis courts being much more significant than badminton courts. Finally, while both sports can be played competitively, badminton is often seen as a more relaxed game.


Both tennis and badminton are enjoyable games that people of all ages can play. When deciding which sport to pick up, it’s essential to consider your preferences and abilities. Tennis may be the better option if you’re looking for a more challenging and competitive game. However, badminton is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a fun way to stay active. Whichever sport you choose, you’re sure to have a great time

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